In memory of Valery Ivanovich Vaganov
Vaganov V. I., TsNIGRIAbstract
On July 17, 2019, V.I. Vaganov, TsNIGRI veteran and PhD, passed away. He was born on April 16, 1947 in Panevezhis (Lithuania). After graduating from M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU) geological faculty (1970) and postgradute school at MSU petrography department he supported a PhD thesis.
Since 1973, he has worked in TsNIGRI; his career ranged from a junior researcher to Head of diamond department. In 1990, he was awarded a higher academic degree.
V.I. Vaganov was a top expert in genetically various diamond deposits geology, genesis, and forecasting and prospecting methods. He developed scientific/methodical and geological/genetic basics of these deposits forecasting and prospecting currently used in exploration. After studying the unique Popigai industrial diamond deposit (Krasnoyarsk territory) he recognized diamond potential dependence on rock composition, which enabled validation and implementation of an efficient deposit exploration and reserve estimation system.
Between 1984-1996, he headed TsNIGRI diamond department. During this period, he scientifically validated lamproite-type diamond deposit forecasting within Russia. His team greatly contributed to validation of diamond potential forecast for the East European platform and compiled the first scientifically based forecast map of this area. In the late 1980s, V.I. Vaganov suggested that diamondiferous pipes of Lomonosov deposit (Arkhangelsk region) is an intermediate type between kimberlites and lamproites. This suggestion was only proved by IGEM RAS studies in the early 21st century. His contribution to Central Russia diamond potential assessment is invaluable. He essentially managed the work to localize prospective areas and their further sorting based on their prospects.
Between 1996-2013, V.I. Vaganov worked as a chief researcher of diamond department. Significantly, the Russian diamond mineral base status was analyzed in 2008 and its negative development trends were highlighted.
V.I. Vaganov compiled a number of techniques and manuals on diamond deposit resource forecasting, prospecting and estimation (also as a coauthor). In various years, he worked as an expert in Mozambique, Mongolia, USA and China. His study results are reflected in over 100 papers published in Russia and abroad including 8 monographs such as “Explosive ring structures of shields and platforms” (1985), “Thermobarometry of ultrabasic parageneses” (1988) and “Russian and worldwide diamond deposits (forecasting basics)” (2000). The latter is widely used by diamond geologists. This paper was awarded a special diploma by ROSGEO.
For many years, V.I. Vaganov was a top diamond expert of the USSR Ministry of Geology (later it became Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation); also, he was among managers of the Russian science and production programs, a member of the Interdepartmental Diamond Council Bureau, a corresponding member of the International Mineral Resources Academy, a member of the Scientific Council and Specialized Council of TsNIGRI Thesis Support, and a member of “National Geology” and “Ores and Metals” editorial boards. He trained 5 PhDs. He was awarded rewards for his scientific advances.
V.I. Vaganov was respected by his colleagues. We will always remember his professionalism, dedication, broadest erudition and versatile knowledge in diamond geology, attentiveness and compassion, tolerance and frienfly attitude to other people.