Mineral potential modelling for gold mineralization within the Mesozoic depressions in the Central-Aldan ore-placer area (on the example of the Upper Yakokutsk ore field)

DOI: 10.47765/0869-5997-2022-10003


  • Vladimir V. Stolyarenko
    Central Research Institute of Geological Prospecting for Base and Precious Metals, Moscow, Russia

    PhDLeading Researcher

  • Alexey V. Minakov
    Aldan OP, Aldan, Russia
    Chief Geologis

  • Alexey G. Ryaboshapko
    Central Research Institute of Geological Prospecting for Base and Precious Metals, Moscow, Russia
    Lead Engineer

  • Svetlana V. Minaeva
    Central Research Institute of Geological Prospecting for Base and Precious Metals, Moscow, Russia
    Lead Engineer

  • Valeria A. Alferova
    Central Research Institute of Geological Prospecting for Base and Precious Metals, Moscow, Russia
    Lead Engineer 


graben depression, model, faults, intrusions, dikes, ore bodies, gold mineralization, metasomatites, gold, minerals.


In this work, we described the patterns of formation and distribution of gold occurrences of various morphological types in the terrigenous sequence of the Upper Yakokutsk graben depression. We characterized the zones of ore-bearing dislocations with increased permeability within the ore region confined by regional faults. Such zones with a frame-block structure forming the nodes of conjugation of regional structures are favourable for their repeated resumption and correspond to the most prospective areas. The study of native gold from ores and surrounding metasomatites showed a large variation in its fineness, based on which we can assume that the gold ore zones were repeatedly renewed from the Middle Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous. A correlation was noted for several subordinate structures: zones of ore-bearing dislocations – structures of prospective areas – ore bodies of various morphologies.

The terrigenous sequence is considered not only as a structure-forming unit but also as a component involved in hydrothermal ore formation due to the presence of carbonaceous siltstones layers. The proposed model of the gold ore region makes it possible to allocate the most promising prospective areas.

The presence of similar graben depressions developed in prospective ore regions within the Central Aldan ore district indicates the likelihood of identifying common patterns of endogenic mineralization within them.



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Столяренко Владимир Валентинович, Минаков Алексей Викторович, Рябошапко Алексей Геннадьевич, Минаева Светлана Викторовна, & Алфёрова Валерия Алексеевна. (2022). Mineral potential modelling for gold mineralization within the Mesozoic depressions in the Central-Aldan ore-placer area (on the example of the Upper Yakokutsk ore field): DOI: 10.47765/0869-5997-2022-10003. Ores and Metals, (1). Retrieved from https://rm.tsnigri.ru/index.php/main/article/view/170



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