Rare metal-polymetallic mineralization of Koshmansay ore field (Eastern Uzbekistan)

DOI: 10.47765/0869-5997-2021-10028


  • Yuri B. Ezhkov
    Institute of Mineral Resources of the Uzbek State Geological Committee, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan

    Head of department

  • Rahmon R. Rahimov
    Institute of Mineral Resources of the Uzbek State Geological Committee, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan

    Senior researcher

  • Anvar T. Holiyorov
    Institute of Mineral Resources of the Uzbek State Geological Committee, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan

    Senior researcher

  • Ubaydullo H. Toshmetov
    Institute of Mineral Resources of the Uzbek State Geological Committee, Tashkent city, Republic of Uzbekistan

    Senior researcher


lead, zinc, copper, bismuth, tungsten, silver, skarn, hornfelses, isoconcentrations of elements, Koshmansai deposit


The Koshmansai ore field is located in the southern part of the granitoid Chatkal batholith, in its apical ledge and exocontact zones, in the Koshmansai river basin. The host environment of the granitoids is Lower Carboniferous carbonate rocks, which were primarily affected by intensive skarnification. Sedimentary-metamorphic and volcanics rocks and granitoids constitute the geological structure of the skarn rare-metal-polymetallic Koshmansai deposit.
In the distribution of ore-forming and associated elеments in the mineral phases of skarn orebodies, their morphogenetic type plays a certain role. Thus, in bimetasomatic skarns, minerals accumulate more Cu, Zn, Ni, Te, Tl, Ge. In infiltration skarns, these are Ag, Pb, Bi, Cd, Sb, Co. Sulfide polymetallic mineralization in skarns is associated with quartz and calcite. The Koshmansai ore field has a distinct geochemical zoning, which can be subdivided into the Koshmansai rare-metal-polymetallic deposit at the upper levels of the ore field and the Nizhnekoshmansai rare-metal-copper ore occurrence at its lower levels. Nevertheless, orebodies formation proceeded in a similar thermodynamic environment, in the conditions of upper shielding at low temperature gradients, which makes it possible to consider the ore field as a single geochemical anomaly. The vertical geochemical zoning of ore-forming element halos
determined by their concentration at the lower section levels of the Koshmansai deposit skarn orebodies suggests the expansion of its prospects in depth



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Ежков Юрий Борисович, Рахимов Рахмон Рахимович, Холиёров Анвар Турсинович, & Тошметов Убайдулло Хамидуллоевич. (2022). Rare metal-polymetallic mineralization of Koshmansay ore field (Eastern Uzbekistan): DOI: 10.47765/0869-5997-2021-10028. Ores and Metals, (4). Retrieved from https://rm.tsnigri.ru/index.php/main/article/view/162



Geology of ore deposits

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