Drag folds in sedimentary rocks hosting kimberlites, West Yakutia

DOI: 10.47765/0869-5997-2021-10020


  • Ignatov Petr Alekseevich
    1 - MGRI, Moscow, Russia

    PhD, Professor
    Head of mineral deposit geology department

  • Zaripov Nail Rinatovich
    2 - LLC GeoSolutions, Moscow, Russia

    PhD, geologist

  • Novikov Konstantin Valer'evich
    3 - FSUE Hydrospecgeology, Moscow, Russia

    PhD, chief geophysicist

  • Tolstov Alexander Vasil'evich
    4 - JSC ALROSA (PJSC), Mirny, Russia

    PhD, Director


drag folds, slickensides, mapping, kimberlites, microfaults, schistosity, shears.


Drag folds were revealed in Lower Paleozoic sedimentary strata of Mirny, Nakyn and Syuldyukar diamondiferous fields, West Yakutia. They consist of minor anticlinal forms (3–5 to 15–20 cm thick) and cut marl, clayey limestone and dolomite bands located between monolith seams of carbonate rocks. Some folds as monocline, flexures and S- or Z-shaped folds reflect the degree of shearrelated interlayer offset. Drag folds are among shear zone occurrences including microfaults, slickensides with slip groove horizontal planes, and schistosity zones. Drag folds reflect local extension points while schistosity zones indicate compression points. For Syuldyukar field, detailed mapping results for drag folds and schistosity zones are provided at 3 scales: across 20 × 20 m observation grid within a local 2 km2 site; across 200 × 200 m grid within 20 km2 area; across 500 × 500 m grid within ~100 km2 territory. For all scales, drag fold halos are restricted to schistosity zones. Within a local site adjacent to kimberlites, drag folds mark ore-hosting fault controlling long axes of kimberlite areal projections. Within large areas, drag fold halos are 1,2–2 km, which compares with kimberlite group areal parameters. Drag fold halos reflect shear
junctions, with some of them hosting kimberlites. Local occurrences of drag folds mark a major shear hosting a kimberlite body. Drag fold analysis combined with other evidence should be used as an indirect prospecting indicator of concealed shears and local extension areas controlling kimberlites.



How to Cite

Игнатов Пётр Алексеевич, Зарипов Наиль Ринатович, Новиков Константин Валерьевич, & Толстов Александр Васильевич. (2021). Drag folds in sedimentary rocks hosting kimberlites, West Yakutia: DOI: 10.47765/0869-5997-2021-10020. Ores and Metals, (3). Retrieved from https://rm.tsnigri.ru/index.php/main/article/view/151




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