A new type of gold mineralization in the basement of the Aldan-Stanovoi gold-bearing province
DOI: 10.47765/0869-5997-2022-10014
geological exploration, gold, prospecting routes, trench, channel, lump, and lithochemical samp-ling, anomalous geochemical field, lode, gold-quartz, gold-low-sulfide-quartz mineralization, quartz vein, berezite, berezitization, resources, ore occurrence, Spo- koinoe ore field, Maiskoe ore field, Spokoininsky ore cluster, Tyrkandinsky gold-bearing region, Aldan Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).Abstract
A new type of gold mineralization has been revealed in rocks of the basement of the Aldan-Stanovoi gold-bearing province, within the Spokoininsky ore cluster of the Tyrkandinsky gold-bearing region of southern Yakutia. A geological model has been created of an object with a bulk-minable nonlinear type gold mineralization related to elements of plicative structures and to the reverse fault type tectonics in the hosting metamorphic rocks of the basement. The modeled object is represented by a combination of lodes with veinlet-disseminated sulfide-(pyrite)-quartz mineralization. A complex has been refined of prospecting guides and criteria, that characterizes this mineralization type represented by the ore-bearing lodes with gold-quartz and gold-low-sulfide-quartz veinlet-disseminated mineralization in rocks of the basement and Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous magmatic formations. The structural-geological position, the morphological type, the composition of the ore-hosting rocks and ores, and the principal parametric characteristics of the gold minerali-zation have been determined. Sampled intervals with the gold grades corresponding to the required parameters for the preliminary estimation have been distinguished in the exploration workings. Forecasted resources of the P2 category have been assessed.