Diamonds in old sedimentary rocks and their source (on the basis of Yakutia kimberlite province)
DOI: 10.47765/0869-5997-2022-10011
typomorphism of diamonds, Siberian platform, regional and local forecast, high-diamondiferous kimberlites.Abstract
This study provides the results of a complex investigation of a number of kimberlite bodies with half- industrial diamond content in several regions of the Siberian platform. This allowed us to establish the typomorphic features of the mineral. Diamonds from half-industrial diatremes of Daldyn-Alakitsky and Verkhne-Munsky diamondiferous regions are characterized by the prevalence of crystals with rhombic dodecahedral habit at high content of typical rounded diamonds, being an unfavorable factor of high diamond content. Differences in diamond features between individual kimberlite bodies are less pronounced than between diamondiferous regions, confirming the upper mantle heterogeneity in various parts of the platform. Prevalence of laminar crystals of octahedral, rhombic dodecahedral and tran- sitive between them habits in pipes of the peripheral part of the Siberian platform (pipe Malo-Kuonapskaya) is indicative of the absence of horizontal zonation in alteration of typomorphic features within the investi- gated territory. Examples of using typomorphic features of diamonds are shown for forecasting kimberlite with high-diamond cobtent within Central-Siberian sub-pro- vinces (Malobotuobinsky, Daldyn-Alakitsky, Morkoka and Sredne-Markhinsky regions, Lena-Anabar (Kyutyung- dinsky region) and Tunguska (Baikitsky region)).